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Welcome to Dianella Shule Mizrachi Perth, The Beit Midrash of WA! Click Here For Service Times Welcome to Dianella Shule Mizrachi Perth, The Beit Midrash of WA! Click Here For Service Times Welcome to Dianella Shule Mizrachi Perth, The Beit Midrash of WA! Click Here For Service Times Welcome to Dianella Shule Mizrachi Perth, The Beit Midrash of WA! Click Here For Service Times

About Us

The Beit Midrash of WA, commonly known as Dianella Shule – Mizrachi Perth is a vibrant Jewish educational institution providing the full range of Jewish educational facilities, including a comprehensive program of classes, the hosting of Western Australia’s only Yeshiva and Midrasha and religious services.



Dianella Shule runs three daily prayer services as well as Shabbat and Yom Tov services.

Torah Learning

Between our adult shiurim and children’s cheder, there’s plenty of opportunity for everyone to learn.

The Tzevet

The Tzevet are a group of young Israeli men and women who come to Perth for a year to teach, learn, inspire and volunteer.


Would you like to learn more about us?
Find out how you can contribute?
Or do you need a place for a Shabbat meal?

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